Case-study - RE3

Achieving 100% reuse with BMD

30,000 tonnes of PFAS-contaminated
soil diverted from landfill

  • Recycled 30,000T of contaminated soil,
    achieving 100% reuse.
  • Eliminated the need for virgin materials.
  • Avoided 2,000 truck movements.
  • Reduced emissions and environmental impact.

Over 24% cost savings 

17,000 tonnes of resources
recovered onsite

  • Recovered 17,000T of resources, avoiding landfill.
  • Prevented 5,500 trips, cutting emissions and disruption.
  • Achieved 24% cost savings over traditional disposal methods.
  • Reclassified materials for reuse, protecting natural resources.
Case study - RE3

Achieving 100% reuse with BMD

Achieving 100% reuse with BMD

30,000 tonnes of PFAS-contaminated
soil diverted from landfill

30,000 tonnes of PFAS-contaminated soil diverted from landfill

  • Recycled 30,000T of contaminated soil,
    achieving 100% reuse.
  • Eliminated the need for virgin  materials.
  • Avoided 2,000 truck movements.
  • Reduced emissions and environmental impact.
  • Recycled 30,000T of contaminated soil,
    achieving 100% reuse.
  • Eliminated the need for virgin materials.
  • Avoided 2,000 truck movements.
  • Reduced emissions and environmental impact.

Over 24% cost savings 

Over 24% cost savings 

17,000 tonnes of resources
recovered onsite

17,000 tonnes of resources recovered onsite

  • Recovered 17,000T of resources, avoiding landfill.
  • Prevented 5,500 trips, cutting emissions and disruption.
  • Achieved 24% cost savings over traditional disposal methods.
  • Reclassified materials for reuse, protecting natural resources.
  • Recovered 17,000T of resources, avoiding landfill.
  • Prevented 5,500 trips, cutting emissions and disruption.
  • Achieved 24% cost savings over traditional disposal methods.
  • Reclassified materials for reuse, protecting natural resources.